It would be great if Tenerife business was allowed to be handled like that.
Unfortunately, there is far too much red tape.
Want to see another picturesque shoemaker surrounding where boot and shoe repairs are done like 500 years, ago?
Go and see its cobbler workshop on Plaza San Franzisco, 15 in La Orotava. But be prepared that nobody speaks English there.
That workshop for shoe repairing is utterly picturesque. Old postcards, framed ancient photos, pictures and figurines of Saints stand between broken shoes and handbags on shelves. The shop is so crowded that no more than 3 people could be in it besides the artisan. Also, you would never discover this place, as no name gives it away outside. There is only the number 15 above its. door. The shop's dark wooden entrance door looks so come down that I would take bets that rent of this insider place costs next to nothing.
Only, a few steps down the road from this workshop is Casa de los Balcones where tourists marvel at one of the oldest houses of more wealthy people than the cobblers of Tenerife.
Coming to think of it, there were Mr.Min shoe repair and key services at Alcampo of La Orotava. I haven't seen them lately.
That's almost opposite the Shop Arregla de Ropa a clothes repair service of equal expertise craftsmanship. There at the Espress service, you can also have shoes enlarged that are hurting for being too tight
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