What means Titsa Cambio de Rutas?

Titsa Cambio de Rutas translates to Titsa route changes. You can read that now displayed together with the date December 15, 2018 on the most important Guaguas (public buses) in the North of Tenerife. However, we all wonder what it implies.

First, there were changes to itineraries to main Titsa bus lines as well as vehicles in the South in 2018 besides alterations to the bus service in the capital Santa Cruz and to the airport.

Now it's the turn for the so called Red del Norte the transport network of the North of the island.

Titsa extraordinary live information by many bus stops

Titsa went the extra mile by employing temporary staff to provide information in the streets by bus stops, as people seem to be very confused by too many and varied sudden changes. The friendly men in blue approach people and give them information, as depicted above. 

The reverse side of the flier lists the countless  bus line adjustments, new departure hours and the new points for transfers. Only an information in PDF-format would be better than what you see but can't be added here. Please look out for the helpful men or ask at bus stations for the explanation brochure, in case you cannot decipher the portrayed  information...

What are Enlaces regarding Titsa travel?

Don't give up because of all the hard to understand explanations that Titsa gives. A German friend who teaches Spanish to Germans ( she is very good at it) asked me what Titsa means by the term Un Enlace? Titsa used the word Intercambiador in the past which most of us understand easily. Well,  the Enlaces are the bus stops where you can change over to another bus line. But you have to wait for it in most cases. Personally, I find them rather stressful, above all at night when you don't see well where the bus is going while you may not know the names of all the points of stops.

Titsa changes for the sake of progress

In fact, the major fourteen bus lines in the North will be more efficient due to a few extra new buses besides route changes. They are expected to be more on time at bus stops from now.   Most will be at their destination at least ten to fifteen minutes faster. Also,  most buses will now operate more often which will result in one Guagua every ten minutes on the Freeway TF-5.

New itinerary brochures for the Titsa Cambio de Rutas

Unfortunately, new bus departure times at the main stations may only be expected in about a week's time. Hence, kindly consult the Titsa Time tables on-line from now on, as these important news may not be the last changes.  Meantime, I shall try my best to correct the times of my Titsa travel tips. Of course, the bus station information counter is there to help you or,  call Titsa 922 479 500...

Why does Titsa revamp its entire service all of a sudden

The Tenerife public bus provider has studied the behavior and wishes of Guagua users over a long time. Hence, its entire novelty service with the new North improvements being one of many should help very much.  Mind that both the President Carlos Alonso of the Tenerife Cabildo as well as Fernando Clavijo the President of the Canary Islands have come to the conclusion that this task of Titsa Cambio de Rutas the route change will motivate more people to swap their vehicle for public transport. This in turn will prevent much less CO2 Carbon Dioxide to be released into the air by too many cars that congest vital roads. Hence, this latest of eight Titsa measures should make the Island of Mount Teide greener and healthier.
You are welcome to read the following Spanish Titsa article


It will explain more about the motives of the government of Tenerife and the Canary Islands as well as give details related to the Titsa Cambio de Rutas.

From Titsa Cambio de Rutas back to Titsa

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