The Rambla de Castro Tenerife where it takes your breath away

The Rambla de Castro's most popular photographer spot is without doubt the ruin of the Casa del Agua at the Barranco de Gordejuela which is an ideal habitat for vulnerable falcons.

I am very excited to publish this bird of prey that I was lucky to catch with my smartphone camera on October 15 of 2018.

This ruin is about 3,5 km to the West from Calle los Geraniums and Calle Las Rosas of La Romantica II of La Longuera Realejos. I could calculate this thanks to my smartphone walking software.  See the location of the Rambla in direction of Barranco Gordejuela on the map below.

Reach the tropical part the green lung of the same coastal road below the lookout of San Pedro also via the TF5 freeway at km 41 by turning to Camino de San Pedro, 1, 38400 Los Realejos. It's by the most romantic North Tenerife sunset bay next to a huge banana plantation by the sea.

However, much is hidden behind the San Pedro hill and on lower levels.

Also,  there is sweet smelling wild Tenerife Lavender.

It's only to be discovered when you venture down the steep hill from the lookout. How steep? Perhaps 130m and another 70m descent to get to the seashore. Not always at a scary height, of course. 

This lush, green enclave is part of the Rambla nature reserve's 45,9 hectares which were declared protected spaces in 1994.

Many smaller gorges unfold undetected below the precious area that's visible from the Mirador above.

There, a green oasis thrives thanks to permanent water. Trails are everywhere to go up and down or back and forth in between trees or endemic Tabaiba. Canary Island Phoenix palms are most prominent.  Dragon trees are scarce.

Spring splendor of the Rambla caught on camera

Not all pathways are perfectly marked,  by the way. Adventurous? Indeed, one can say that.

So are the Realejos seashores that seem to be tucked away below these Rambla nature trails. Next to beach Playa de Castro is Playa del Camello with a small stone island just offshore.  The rocky isle resembles a camel that sleeps in the ocean to separate the two seashores. Further to the right is El Fortin the small fort of San Fernando with the long Playa la Fajana next to it.  

Fortin San Fernando had five canons to fend off pirates, two centuries ago. Now, only two are left.

The famous Madre Agua of the Rambla de Castro of Los Realejos.

A narrow channel with permanent ground water runs along paved ground. It comes from Madre de Agua the source of which seems to be inside a tunnel.

San Pedro nature reserve fauna of Rambla de Castro

  •     The so called Canary birds or
  •     the endangered Cory's Shearer   
  •     Pardelas Ceniciencas
  •     Big predator birds, such as eagles
  •     Endemic Canary night owls
  •     The giant lizard Gallotia gallotii
  •     Bees, butterflies and moth
  •     Bats and field mice


La Casona de los Castro

Since 2011  the implementation of an educational  and tourist center at la Casona has been much discussed at Casa de Cultura La Parra of Realejo Bajo. Tours were to be organized with an emphasis on history, such as pirate threats on the coast by La Casona. The Tenerife holiday home Insider was invited to take part when she met some tour girls at  Hacienda de los Principes, long ago.      

Unfortunately, there are not enough funds to finance the total restoration for La Casona. Meantime, the place has been vandalized to an extent.  A shame, indeed...

Walking duration for the Mirador valley Rambla de Castro round trip

Expect it to take at least three hours from the lookout via La Casona, Madre Agua, the FortĆ­n and back. That's without descending to seashores, as one walks often over cobbled ground on the Rambla.

Options for food and drink

  • By pick-nicks in the reserve without barbecues or fires.
  • The rustic San Pedro Bamboo where one can sit inside or outside with small meals offered of Bavarian touch and good value for money.(Closed on Wednesdays)
  • Restaurante San Pedro with the better veranda for the priceless views

More much loved Rambla de Castro tracks of Tenerife North

Officially, the Rambla de Castro starts by Hotel Maritim and ends at the Casona de los Castros. Hotel Maritim is above the popular Longuera fishing beach Playa de Los Roques.

However sometimes, it's even understood that Playa del Socorro is part of the general Rambla hike. "More than that?" That's an interesting question.   

From Hotel Maritim to La Romantica II

Get to the stairs that start the advertised hiking path below Hotel Maritim by passing its tall building called Residencial.

This particular hiking track is also known as the Sendero del Burgao or del Burgado. Proceed up terraced slopes to the hamlet La Romantica II and turn right by Casa Inge Martina. Take C/las Mimosas by turning left at the shopping center. Turn right into C/ Los Claveles. At the end by Calle Las Rosas,  indicators point point left to both La Casona and Mirador San Pedro. Discover the access to  the Rambla at Calle Geranios 14, as portrayed in the map above. This path trails high above the ocean for most of the way.

Surprisingly, many elderly tackle this ground with their professional walking sticks,  but avoid it when the ground is slippery from a previous rain.

Rambla de Castro Punta Peje Reyes track

This round-about deviates off the beaten track from the Sendero del Burgao of the Rambla near Hotel Maritim.

Bungalows for sale in C/Las Violetas in January 2017.

Mind there are indicators pointing to a deviation by a tennis court on C/Las Mimosas. It's a shortcut via C/Las Violetas to C/Claveles where you may spot bungalows on the left with "for sale" signs.

Getting there with the Titsa buses 345, 353 or 381 from Puerto de la Cruz

Get off the bus by what is now bus stop La Longuera where it becomes a one-way road. Turn right and right again into the steep C/ Las Rosas and than left onto the Rambla opposite C/Geranios. An option would be via exit 39 from the Puerto de la Cruz TF5 freeway and then via the TF-320 by car to park at C/Los Geranios. 

Track Sendero del Agua of Barranco Gordejuela from Romantica-2 to Romantica-1

The Sendero del Agua, as often called by locals also refers to a famous drawing by Berthelot of the Agua Gordejuela waterfalls of Gordejuela. The majestic falls were still intact until 1903.

It's absolutely amazing to see how popular this coastal Rambla has become by 2017. So is the ruin of Gordejuela which is closed to the public now. Many rather elderly tackle the Rambla alone.  On weekends, young guys seem to go there with their dogs to make friends. I am inclined to bet that the Rambla de Castro is now as much an attraction as the Puerto Cruz Jardin Botanico.  

Third section of the Rambla de Castro journey

You pass some orchards after turning right by the Mirador San Pedro indicator on top of the Gordejuela hill. Then you descend to a most spectacular part of the entire route. That's the Gorge Barranco Calera which is part of Barranco Ruiz. There are views to the Casona de Castro and Mirador San Pedro, to El Guindaste and even further before you even descend to the bridge of the gorge. Further below, another paradise country opens up.

La Calera gorge of Barranco Ruiz.

This gorge may be understood as Barranco Calera on maps. However, even an experienced TinerfeƱo hiker like my neighbor Maria de los Remedios will call it simply Barranco Ruiz for the region. You could also say it's the ravine of the hamlet La Tropicana of San Vincente Los Realejos. The settlement's many modern cluster houses overlook the gorge.

Optional Rambla additions

One more tip?

Staying at Hotel Panoramica Garden or at the new hotel Route Hotel Active next door from it?

After second thoughts I've decided to remove the description to the insider shortcuts for the Longuera hotels and holiday homes in La Romantica-1 to protect the safety of walkers. Click "Contact"  to ask me on the very bottom of this page and I will let you know more about them.

Mirador San Pedro with a Tenerife holiday home a must visit related to the Rambla.

For all this and stacks of photos that speak for themselves go to the Lookout of San Pedro of Los Realejos... 

This Google Map includes the protected Spaces of the Rambla below the lookout and its access roads here

From Rambla de Castro back to Los Realejos

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